Meeting documents

Councillor Mrs Macpherson

Leader of the Council


To consider the attached confidential report.


Council received a confidential report in relation to managing senior and statutory roles, including the Chief Executive, Section 151 Officer (Director responsible for Finance), Corporate Director and Monitoring Officer during the implementation to the new Buckinghamshire Council.


Members were informed that AVDC’s Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service had already stated that he did not wish to apply for the Chief Executive role in the new Buckinghamshire Council that would be established from April 2020.  It was recognised that this role would diminish over the coming months and that the post would be made redundant as at 31 March, 2020..


As such, and following discussions between the Council and the Chief Executive, it had been mutually agreed that, subject to the approval of Council, the post holder would leave AVDC on 31 July, 2019, after 13 years of service.


The Leader of the Council paid tribute to Mr Grant’s achievements as an inspirational and motivational Chief Executive whose passion had been essential in transforming AVDC into one of the most highly regarded councils in the country. 


In preparation for Mr Grant’s departure, it was proposed that the legally-required roles of Head of Paid Service and Returning Officer for elections would be transferred to the two existing Executive Directors, Andrew Small and Tracey Aldworth respectively.  To allow for full handover and smooth transition, the transfer of duties would be from 31 May 2019.


Mr Grant would receive a contractual payment of £199,809 in accordance with standard AVDC compulsory redundancy terms, based on seniority, salary and period of service.  Members were also informed that 31 July was after Mr Grant’s 60th birthday, meaning no additional pension contribution would be payable by AVDC and therefore making the cost to the council considerably lower than could otherwise have been the case.  It was also stated that Mr Grant’s payment would be the same whether he left on the 31st July 2019 or 31st March 2020 but making the post redundant earlier would save taxpayers approximately £88,000 in salary and benefits.


The General Purposes Committee had considered a similar report at its meeting on 24 April, 2019, when the arrangements relating to the proposed early exit of the Chief Executive (and Head of Paid Service), including the consequential arrangements relating to the senior and statutory roles during the transition to the new Buckinghamshire Council had been unanimously agreed.


It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Macpherson, seconded by Councillor A Cole, and




(1)          That thanks be expressed to Mr Grant for his work and service to the Council over the last 13 years and he be wished well for the future.


(2)          That the proposed early exit of the Chief Executive (and Head of the Paid Service) on the terms and conditions set out in the confidential report be approved, as well as the consequential arrangements (also referred to in the report) relating to senior and statutory roles during the transition to new Buckinghamshire Council.


(3)          That the potential exit arrangements of senior and statutory roles during the implementation of the new Buckinghamshire Council be noted.